Men's and Women's Nordic Skiing

The Nordic Huskies' success depends on your support!

Annual giving contributes to our teams' success through:

  • Training camps dedicated to engineering our Championship Team Culture and maximizing our athletic development
  • Improving team athletic training facilities
  • Assisting with competition travel, team athletic equipment, and supplies
  • Recruiting funds and resources so we may continue to recruit the very best and brightest prospective student-athletes
  • Contributing to the Nordic Scholarship Endowment, aimed to increase athletic scholarship awards for our student-athletes
  • Providing the resources and support for the team to achieve their mission to be the best academic and athletic performing Nordic Ski Team in the NCAA!

Thank you all, as it is our community of skiers who have been and will continue to be integral to the support and success of the Michigan Tech Nordic Ski Team!

Nordic Ski Endowment Scholarship

Fundraising for the Nordic Ski Endowment Scholarship began in 1994 with the goal of providing athletic scholarship opportunities to Nordic Ski Team student-athletes. Since its inception, this fund has been giving back to our Nordic student-athletes through athletic scholarships. Over the past 25 years, this fund has grown through continued generous contributions, and the net investment revenue has generated an average annual payout of 4.5%. 

Now it's time to grow this endowment to meet our $50,000 goal that will allow us to award an additional and apportionable full scholarship amount annually to both our Women's and Men's Nordic Ski Teams! This is your opportunity to donate in a way that gives directly to our student-athletes, helping to offset their cost of attendance and creating the opportunity for them to be able to join our Michigan Tech Nordic Huskies! For our program, reaching our endowment goal will allow us to continue to recruit the very best prospective student-athletes to join our team, and we truly believe this will allow us to achieve our vision to be the best NCAA Nordic Ski program!

Let's achieve our fundraising goal of $50,000! If you are able to give to our Michigan Tech Nordic Huskies, please give to this Nordic Ski Endowment Scholarship!

Donors can join the Huskies Club with a gift to any area in Athletics. Visit this page for Huskies Club perk levels and fair market values of each perk.

Our Crowdfunding Groups