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Quincy Mine Copper Specimens

Quincy Mine Copper Specimens Image
Raised toward our $100,000 Goal
80 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 30, at 05:00 PM EDT
Project Owners

Help bring these specimens to the A. E. Seaman Mineral Museum

These phenomenal specimens were brought out of the Quincy Mine at the same time by a mine captain. They were brought to the mine office on Quincy Hill where they sat in the desk of the mine superintendent until the mine closed.

The first specimen stands 22 centimeters tall and 19 centimeters wide. It exhibits numerous superb copper crystals up to three centimeters across, whose shapes are symmetrical combinations of dodecahedron and tetrahexahedron crystal forms, which are well-known for copper crystals from the Quincy Mine. 

The second specimen is over 43 centimeters wide and 20 centimeters tall. Its large complex crystals are slightly flattened due to the twinning of the copper crystals. While most are slightly rounded, many still show the combination of dodecahedron and tetrahexahedron crystal forms. 

Specimen #1Specimen #2


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