Thank you for your interest in supporting the Ford Center Paver Project! This campaign has ended, but if you would like to make a gift to the Ford Center and Forest, visit the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science giving page and select "Ford Center and Forest" from the list of designations.

Ford Center Paver Project

Leave your mark at the Ford Center and Forest with a personalized, engraved paver!

Support the Ford Center

Support the Ford Center Paver Fundraiser
Thanks to generous support from alumni, CFRES is expanding the main classroom at the Ford Center to accommodate our growing student population, scheduled to be completed in spring 2024. Adjoining this new addition will be a large outdoor patio made of pavers, with a limited number available for purchase. All proceeds from this paver fundraiser will be used to support the Ford Center's mission to educate the next generation of natural resource professionals. As alumni and friends of CFRES, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to leave your mark at Michigan Tech and support the Ford Center's education mission. Consider what the Ford Center means to you and how your time there shaped your future professional and personal life.  

Paver Options
There are two paver options available for alumni and friends:

4 x 8 - $300
Three lines of engraving, 12 characters per line

12 x12 - $600
Four lines of engraving, 15 characters per line


The character count includes spaces and the only punctuation available is "&". 

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