Scholarships, Fellowships, and Emergency Funds

Gifts to scholarships, fellowships, and emergency funds help students complete their education at Michigan Tech.

Support Students at Michigan Tech

With a majority of Michigan Tech students receiving financial aid, supporting students through scholarships and fellowships is one of the University’s top priorities. Whether it’s helping to close a financial gap or awarding funds to students who otherwise could not attend Michigan Tech, scholarships (for undergraduate students) and fellowships (for graduate students) make a big difference.

In addition to scholarships and fellowships, there are ways to support students who are facing challenges. To help combat hunger issues on Michigan Tech’s campus, the Husky Food Access Network provides non-perishable items at no cost to those in need. Additionally, emergency funds—like the Student Husky Emergency Assistance Fund—provide immediate assistance to students who are experiencing hardship as a result of a crisis, such as a fire or flood, a personal injury, or family illness or death.

Your support of scholarships, fellowships, and emergency funds has a direct and immediate impact on students and shows our Huskies they're part of a pack that cares.

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