A.E. Seaman Mineral Museum

Your gift impacts the hearts and minds of every visitor who sees our museum exhibits.

Support the A.E. Seaman Mineral Museum

One of the most gratifying experiences for us to witness at the A. E. Seaman Mineral Museum is the look on people’s faces when they first enter the exhibit hall. As the world of minerals opens up to them for the first time, they are likewise opened up, and transported, in a sense, back to the mindset of youth, seeing the world for the first time, again. And then the inevitable exclamation, "Wow! I had no idea."

This is the intangible aspect of our mission—to create this opening of wonder—that makes learning natural, memorable, and the earth’s mysteries even deeper. We invite all who are interested in minerals to join us in this mission to preserve and present this facet of natural history to visitors now and in the future. By donating your financial resources or mineral specimens, you join the gentle force that has made this mission possible and affects thousands of visitors each year.

Your gift could qualify for an annual membership to the museum for you, your family, and your friends. See the table below for more details.

Membership Levels

IndividualFree admission for one member for one year
CoupleFree admission for either or both individuals for one year
FamilyFree admission for your immediate family for one year
CrystalFree admission for your immediate and extended family for one year
CopperFree admission for your immediate and extended family, and your name (or designee) on a Copper Level case, for one year
SilverFree admission for your immediate and extended family, your name (or designee) on a Silver Level case, and free admission for two accompanying guests per visit, for one year
GoldFree admission for your immediate and extended family, your name (or designee) on a Gold Level case, and free admission for four accompanying guests per visit, for one year
ConnoisseurFree admission for your immediate and extended family, your name (or designee) on a Connoisseur Level case, and free admission for 10 accompanying guests per visit, for one year

Fair Market Values of Annual membership of the A.E. Seaman Mineral Museum
The table below discloses the fair market values of the perks provided by the various membership levels. The fair market values must be disclosed to comply with IRS regulations on quid pro quo donations. The amount of a donation that is deductible for federal income tax purposes is limited to the excess of the donation over the fair market value of perks received.

Regular Prices per Visit

Student (with college ID)
Junior (ages 9-16)
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